/ Museum-interactive lesson “Long way to wise books”

Museum-interactive lesson “Long way to wise books”

On the eve of the 500th anniversary of Belarusian printing, the Lida Historical and Art Museum starts a series of events timed to this significant date, which will undoubtedly affect the Lida region.

According to the opinion of the Lida researchers, the Belarusian printer Ivan Karzan is from our territories (from the village of Velichko).
And in Lida, by the way, for more than 20 years, pleases the eyes of lydchans and guests of our city with a monument to the Belarusian printer, Francis Skorina …

As a sign of this, in the literary department (the House of V.Tavlaya) the museum-interactive lesson “The Long Way to Wise Books” began its work. All actions are designed for children of primary school.
During the lesson, students try themselves as a “chronicler” and a “copyist” of books. Attributes to children are wooden wax boards, goose feathers.

Pupils learn about the history of the emergence of subject, drawing letter, Indian kipu – nodal type of writing and the method of counting in antiquity.
By the way, each participant of the lesson will thus be able to give his friend a letter written by him. In conclusion, “scribes” and “chroniclers” receive promotional gifts for memory.